At the Corner of Oak & Randall
935 Oak St. North Aurora, IL 60542
(630)-906-7333 (REEF)
Everything for the
Saltwater Enthusiast
Welcome to Reef Plus!
Established in 2004 by Steve Myers, Reef Plus is your complete resource for every saltwater need.
Our shop is dedicated to marine life exclusively, and we specialize in custom, state of the art marine environments. Our products have been extensively tested by seasoned hobbyists, and we only
carry those products with proven track records.
Visit us today to explore our selection of hand-selected fish, corals, and inverts.

500 Gal Residential Installation in Aurora
Professional Installation
The quality of our installations sets us apart with the use of specialized plumbing, high quality IRONFISH
stands, and unmatched attention to detail.
​​Reef Plus also offers expert service and maintenance options that will fit your schedule and style of reef keeping.
Explore our website to learn more about our store and the products and services we offer.
​Stop by! We look forward to seeing you.
Reef Plus
935 Oak St.
North Aurora